

Playtesting has become a vital step when it comes to game development. If you’ve created a game, it’s essential to have gamers test it to check how well it works, its graphics, and other important aspects. In this blog post, we’ve outlined some significant types of playtesting you should be aware of. This will help you create a more effective product for your end users.

If you skip the playtesting phase and let your end users try an untested game, you might encounter several issues, such as a lack of expertise in game design or development, low download numbers, and even a negative return on investment (ROI). This blog provides a comprehensive overview of game testing and covers all the different forms of playtesting you should consider when testing your game. It’s crucial to understand these aspects to ensure your game delivers value to the end user.

What is playtesting?

Playtesting is a way to ensure that a video game or gaming product is of high quality before it’s given to the final users. During this process, the game goes through various stages of testing. You involve your target audience to try out different versions of the game and identify any problems, whether they are technical issues or unclear objectives.

By conducting playtesting for your game design, you can make sure your product provides value and improves the user experience. In the following explanation, you’ll learn about the entire playtesting process and the different ways you can use it in your game development. This will give you a thorough understanding of the product and help you shape your ideas effectively.

Why is playtesting so important? 

Well, it’s all about making your game better. When you’ve spent time creating a game, playtesting helps you figure out what needs improvement. Professional gamers can be a huge help in this process because they know how to make the game more enjoyable for the people who will eventually play it.

Playtesting allows the game developers to see how users and players interact with their game. This is crucial for identifying areas that need enhancement. I had a chat with the Purgesoft game development team, and they stressed the importance of getting honest feedback. It’s through this feedback that you can pinpoint the exact areas that need work. The goal is to ensure that users don’t face any issues with the game, such as functionality problems or poor graphics, so they can have a fantastic gaming experience.

Imagine you’re a game developer and your game is almost ready to go. Would you want to release it to your users with potential issues that could spoil their experience? Definitely not! That’s why you need experienced gamers to test your game before it reaches the hands of your actual users.

When you receive honest feedback and make improvements, whether it’s in game development or any other product, you’re more likely to create something that truly works for your end users. That’s why playtesting is such a critical step in the game development process.

Learn about different types of playtesting

In the following sections, we’ll introduce you to various forms of playtesting. Incorporating these forms into your game development process can provide valuable insights and ideas. This, in turn, will enable you to conduct effective playtesting, ultimately delivering the top-notch user experience your audience demands. Take a closer look at the various game testing methods:

Open Beta Testing:

If you’re new to game development and planning to release your first game, one of the initial steps you should consider is Open Beta Testing. This phase occurs when your game is nearing completion. During Open Beta Testing, you can invite a large audience to test your game, helping you gather feedback and insights.

Early Alpha Testing:

Whether you’re an in-house tester or a game developer, Early Alpha Testing is essential for your game’s development. This stage allows you to detect and address critical flaws and bugs before progressing further in the development process.

Closed Beta Testing:

In Closed Beta Testing, you select a specific group of external testers who are familiar with the gaming platform, including the genre. They participate in alpha testing the game, providing in-depth feedback to identify and promptly address any issues. This testing process relies on constructive feedback.

Post Launch Testing:

After the game is released, Post Launch Testing becomes crucial. Its primary goal is to identify and resolve any bugs or game-breaking issues that might affect user experience. By conducting this test, you can address known bugs and provide updates, preventing users from uninstalling the game due to issues. This phase may involve substantial patches and downloads.

These methods are vital and effective for game development at various stages, from development to post-launch maintenance. By incorporating the approaches outlined above, you can gain a better understanding of playtesting. This, in turn, will help streamline your development process and allow your game development team to focus more efficiently on other tasks.

Final thoughts

Every professional game development team needs to test their games before launch. Without proper testing, you risk releasing a game with issues that could lead to low downloads, no return on investment (ROI), and a negative impression among users. To avoid these problems and achieve the best results, it’s crucial to playtest your game at least once.

You can conduct playtesting in various ways, such as post-launch testing, closed beta testing, early alpha testing, and open beta testing. Each of these tests should be carried out systematically to create a successful game for your users. These tests encompass a range of evaluations, including checking the game’s functionality, assessing its graphics, evaluating the user interface, and more.

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